Bringing more Toms to the people.


Maybe you've noticed - I like to interact with fans. Why? Because hanging out or even just talking with like-minded people is fun for me. Cycling has many interesting stories to be told and journeys to be shared, so for a while I have had a feeling that people following would enjoy some more content and that's why I've made this website (or asked Abby to).


Cycling is such a great sport, but also just a great way to get around town, explore nature, explore new countries and one of my biggest passions is just to share that with people. Because the more people I will be able to inspire to even ride their bike over to the local store for a carton of milk, the more people we will see being healthier humans and enjoying the world from two wheels.


Along with Abby we have some cool plans for how to make this happen. Yes, we will have fan t-shirts. Yes, we will have potato related recipes and content. Yes, we will have updates on my race calendar and where to find me to get a picture in person. Hey, we even might do more (v)(a)blogs that will take you closer into the journey. It all depends on you guys. Just on how much you will enjoy and how much you will want and what you will want. So sign up and make sure you don't miss a thing.